发送一个“我们是”!给这些十大网投平台信誉排行榜的学生——9月. 19


作为我们日常生活的一部分!”功能, we recognize 13 Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.   


作为我们日常生活的一部分!”功能, we recognize 13 Penn Staters who have gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University.   

This week, on behalf of the entire Penn State community, we’d like to say thank you to: 

  • 玛丽·贝思·阿贝尔, administrative support coordinator for the Farrell Center for Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Smeal College of Business, whose nominator wrote: “Mary Beth brings a positive and a personal touch to the office. She is extremely organized and able to find ways to manage routine activities efficiently and effectively. 她与他人建立关系的能力是无与伦比的! 她的创造力支持了法雷尔中心和Smeal的愿景.” 
  • 阿莉莎 Bumbaugh,十大网投平台信誉排行榜IT业务分析师, whose nominator wrote: “阿莉莎 has kept a project alive and moving forward for over two years. 因为它即将完成, 我要感谢她总是那么乐观, 面对挫折愉快而坚定. 没有她,我们做不到!” 
  • 萨曼莎 Chavanic, marketing content and web experience manager in the College of Engineering他的提名人写道:“萨姆体现了‘我们是’!的心态:她是忠诚的, self-motivated and committed to giving her all and supporting her team in all aspects of her work. Sam's dedication elevates the work of our team by providing better solutions, 创造优秀的内容,展示工程学院.” 
  • 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的行政助理瑞秋 Colombo说, whose nominator wrote: “瑞秋 provides outstanding customer service. She is friendly and knowledgeable, and she will go out of her way to help anyone in need. Her outgoing personality is an asset to the campus as she greets future Penn Staters for new student orientation (NSO), making students and their parents feel welcome with her contagious smile.” 
  • 艾米·库克,十大网投平台信誉排行榜贝伦德分校的人力资源顾问, whose nominator wrote: “艾米 went above and beyond to help with an important hire. 这涉及到几个挑战, and 艾米 took the extra time and effort to find solutions that ensured the hire could be made while following all University rules. 我们非常感谢艾米!” 
  • 凯伦 Doberstein,工程学院的学术顾问, whose nominator wrote: “凯伦 is always ready to greet and work with our engineering students, 用热情和微笑欢迎他们. She is a great source of support and guidance with an unrivaled dedication to students. Her steadfast positivity and encouragement guide them through any challenge they encounter.” 
  • 比尔 Hager, marketing and web specialist at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, whose nominator wrote: “As the University moves toward a regionalized approach, 比尔 has not shied away from picking up marketing projects that serve not only the Fayette campus, 还有比弗和新肯辛顿. He's a great example of inter-campus cooperation, embodying the ‘我们是!的精神."
  • 杰米Klaue, office manager and administrative support coordinator for the Agricultural Analytical Services Lab (AASL) in the College of Agricultural Sciences, 他的提名人写道:“杰米是我们AASL工作人员的重要成员, 她对善良的承诺从未动摇过, 对我们的客户和同事友善且乐于助人.  She truly cares for everyone she meets, and her professionalism and expertise are unmatched. 毫无疑问,她应该得到一个“我们是”!’” 
  • 艾米丽 Lombardi, customized programs coordinator for Penn State Global她的提名人写道:“艾米丽是团队合作精神的化身! She shows up every day with a smile and is ready to tackle any size project. 她的善良贯穿于与她一起工作的每一个人身上. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to her team and constantly goes above and beyond.”   
  • 克里斯 Nischalke,十大网投平台信誉排行榜国际教育海外顾问, whose nominator wrote: “克里斯 works tirelessly to find enriching experiences abroad for Penn State students. 他不仅从事与课程相关的项目, but also he manages all of the experiential programs like international internships and research abroad. 他是一个优秀的队友和朋友!” 
  • 兰迪·施密特,十大网投平台信誉排行榜世界校区的转学分专家他的提名人写道:“从哪里开始呢? 兰迪 is that guy on the team who goes above and beyond to lend a hand. 他停下手头的工作,回答你可能提出的任何问题, 即使你之前问了一百遍. He is always looking out for his students and doing the best he can to get them to graduation.” 
  • 萧红盛, 全球语言学院行政助理, 文献, 文理学院的文理专业, whose nominator wrote: “Xiao saved the school a sum of money by taking the extra time to check several other channels before making supply purchases. Xiao's dedication to finding the best price when ordering something shows how financially responsible she is. 谢谢你,肖!” 
  • 卡莉Sunseri, senior director of data science and analytics in the Office of Planning, 评估, 及机构研究(OPAIR)她获得了多项提名. One nominator wrote: “Carly is a standout for her data science expertise, 外交性质, 乐于助人,体贴周到. I am really impressed with the creativity and ingenuity that she brings to complicated problems. 和她开会是一件愉快的事.” Another nominator wrote: “Carly's work in data analytics in higher education is inspiring. 每当数据社区中出现问题时, Carly is the first to make sure all voices are present at the table when a solution is being found to ensure not just a quick solution, 但是正确的解决方案.” 

谢谢玛丽·贝思, 阿莉莎, 萨曼莎, 瑞秋, 艾米, 凯伦, 比尔, 杰米, 艾米丽, 克里斯, 兰迪, Xiaohong and Carly — and to everyone who helps make Penn State such an incredible community! 

你知道有谁值得大声喊出来吗? 如果你有的话,考虑通过填写一份表格来提名那个人 网上简短表格.

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